Peke is an Epic Dog!

Peke: The Most
Epic Heroic Fearless
Dog of All!

$Peke Coin is a forgotten Epic Dog from Elon Musk re-tweets. Created by a group of dedicated believers in $Peke community and inspired by the courageous and iconic Peke dog (also known as the Pekingese dog).

About $Peke

On June 14, 2021, Elon Musk replied to FOX Sports, saying: Wasabi the Pekingese is an Epic Dog.

When Elon Musk replied to FOX Sports' post, the love for Pekingese burst out from people everywhere! $Peke Coin is an epic project inspired by Elon Musk and the legendary Pekingese dog. Let the joy and warmth of the epic Pekingese spread across the world!

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The Epic $Peke Coin is a Forgotten Epic Dog!

Who can resist the epicness and cuteness of the Pekingese?
Join us now and take the first step toward your future financial freedom!"

$Peke: A Proud Member
of the $puppies Family!

80% of the Liquidity Pool is paired with $puppies.
Tax is dedicated to supporting the community.
All LP tokens are burned.
$Peke is destined to be an epic champion!


Tax will contribute
Puppies Aid Program

Pekingese is a brave dog! So is $Peke Coin!
$Peke will not leave any family members behind!
The more you've invested in $Peke,
more puppies will be saved!


$Peke Promotion Program!

8% of $Peke tokens will be rewarded to partners who promote $Peke. Just as $Peke, the epic dog, walks with confidence and assurance, the $Peke Coin will also capture attention through the epic $Peke Promotion Program!


There have to be reasons that you get up in the morning and you want to live. Why do you want to live? What’s the point? What inspires you? What do you love about the future?

Elon Musk Founder of Tesla, SpaceX.


Welcome to $Peke Coin!

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